IHS Markit and ChinaBond Pricing Center Sign MoU for Index Partnership

Thursday, November 9, 2017 12:25 pm EST


"We are excited to work with CBPC, the largest provider of China bond pricing and indices covering almost all of the domestic market"

IHS Markit (Nasdaq: INFO), a world leader in critical information, analytics and solutions, today announced it signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with ChinaBond Pricing Center Co. Ltd (CBPC), a subsidiary of China Central Depository and Clearing Co. Ltd. (CCDC), to form a partnership that will explore a new index series intended for foreign investors.

“We are excited to work with CBPC, the largest provider of China bond pricing and indices covering almost all of the domestic market,” said Shane Akeroyd, executive vice president, regional head of Asia Pacific and global head of Account Management at IHS Markit. “Our shared goals are to enhance transparency, help offshore investors gain exposure to one of the world’s largest bond markets and support Chinese companies in providing investment products for foreign investors.”

Lance Uggla, COO and president of IHS Markit, and Shane Akeroyd represented IHS Markit at a ceremony for the signing of the MoU in Beijing on November 3 rd . CBPC was represented by Bai Weiqun, chief supervisor of CCDC and chairman of CBPC, and Liu Fan, vice president of CCDC and president of ChinaBond Pricing Center Co., Ltd.

The collaboration between CBPC and IHS Markit represents an important step in supporting the opening of China’s bond markets to overseas investors through initiatives such as the CIBM-Direct and Bond Connect programs in recent years.

IHS Markit is a leading provider of Asian fixed income indices and the largest provider of benchmarks for Asian Bond ETFs.


About ChinaBond Pricing Center Co. Ltd (CBPC)

ChinaBond Pricing Data is provided by ChinaBond Pricing Center Co.Ltd. Since the preparation and release of the first China Government Bond yield curve in 1999, ChinaBond Pricing Data Products have developed into a pricing system comprising ChinaBond Yield Curves, ChinaBond Valuation, ChinaBond Index, ChinaBond VaR, ChinaBond Market Implied Rating and My Statistics; reflecting a comprehensive picture of RMB bond market price and risk profile.

ChinaBond Valuation boasts a full coverage of more than 30,000 onshore bonds with a market value of about 65 trillion RMB, as well as coverage of more than 20,000 non-standard financial assets and preferred stocks.

ChinaBond Market Implied Rating covers all of the over 20,000 onshore RMB credit bonds. China’s first green bond indices and the world’s first climate-related bond index were released by CCDC. Now, more than 1200 institutions are using ChinaBond Pricing Data Products, representing nearly 100% market share in China. ChinaBond Government Bond Yield Curves are published on the websites of People’s Bank of China, the Ministry of Finance and the Asian Development Bank; particularly, the 3-Month Government Bond Yield Curve has been adopted by IMF in the SDR interest rate basket.

The ChinaBond Indices have become an important reference for the onshore RMB bond market and the preferred instrument for bond investment tracking and performance evaluation.

About IHS Markit ( www.ihsmarkit.com )

IHS Markit (Nasdaq: INFO) is a world leader in critical information, analytics and solutions for the major industries and markets that drive economies worldwide. IHS Markit has more than 50,000 key business and government customers, including 85 percent of the Fortune Global 500 and the world’s leading financial institutions.

IHS Markit is a leading independent provider of fixed income and macroeconomic indices, calculating more than 14,000 indices globally. These indices include the iBoxx bond indices, the iTraxx and CDX credit derivative indices, as well as the Purchasing Managers’ Index™ (PMI™) series, which are indicators of economic activity in over 30 countries. IHS Markit is also the largest provider of bond indices for Asia-listed ETFs. More than $120 billion in ETF assets are linked to IHS Markit indices.

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