Media Alert: IHS Markit Analyst Availability: Consumer Electronics Show/CES 2017

World-leading Experts on Topics Ranging From Artificial Intelligence to Autonomous Driving


Thursday, December 15, 2016 6:17 pm EST



Journalists: As you’re planning to cover news and activities surrounding the CES 2017 in Las Vegas , January 5 – 8, 2017, a reminder that several IHS Markit technology and automotive analysts will be onsite and following developments from the show – and available for commentary during the week.

Contact information and areas of expertise for each are as follows.  Given schedules and potential connectivity challenges onsite, we encourage you to copy on your specific requests so we can follow up with our analysts as needed.

Dan Wilinsky, IHS Markit senior director – Global Media Relations, will also be on-site at the show to facilitate media relations requests – he can be reached at or via cell at +1 303 868 3807.

Our team can provide commentary and snap analysis on the following topics:

Technology Topics

Automotive Topics

To arrange an interview with one of our experts, either onsite or via phone, please feel free to contact them via email directly using the links above with a cc to . We’re happy to help! Also, please follow us on Twitter @IHS_News .


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