var wpfbFileInfos = []; function wpfilebase_filedetails(id) { id = 'wpfilebase-filedetails' + id; if('undefined' != typeof jQuery && jQuery('#'+id).length > 0) { jQuery('#'+id).slideToggle(); } else { var dtls = document.getElementById('wpfilebase-filedetails' + id); if(dtls) = (!='none') ? 'none' : 'block'; } return false; } function wpfb_getFileInfo(url) { var i,fi,uesc=unescape(url); for(i = 0; i < wpfbFileInfos.length; i++) { fi = wpfbFileInfos[i]; if(fi.url == url || fi.url == uesc) return fi; } try{// to get url by ajax request // wpfbfid fi = jQuery.parseJSON(jQuery.ajax({url:wpfbConf.ajurl,data:{action:"fileinfo",url:uesc},async:false}).responseText); if(typeof(fi) == 'object' && > 0) { wpfbFileInfos.push(fi); return fi; } } catch(err){} return null; } function wpfb_ondownload(url) { if(typeof(url) == 'object') url =; if(typeof(wpfb_ondl) == 'function' && 'string' == typeof(url) && url.length < 1024) { // on img load fail, url is the response body (404 ERROR page)?? var fi = wpfb_getFileInfo(url); if(fi != null) { try { wpfb_ondl(,'/'+wpfbConf.db+'/'+fi.path,fi.path); } catch(err){} } } } function wpfb_onclick(event) { wpfb_ondownload(event); if(wpfbConf.hl) {; return false; } // hide links return true; } function wpfb_processlink(index, el) { var url=el.getAttribute('href'),i; el = jQuery(el); if((i=url.indexOf('#')) > 0) { var fid = url.substr(i); fid = fid.substr(fid.lastIndexOf('-')+1); el.attr('wpfbfid', fid); url = url.substr(0, i); // remove hash, not actually needed } el.unbind('click').click(url, wpfb_onclick); // bind onclick if( && typeof(wpfb_addContextMenu) == 'function') wpfb_addContextMenu(el, url); if(wpfbConf.hl) url = 'javascript:;'; el.attr('href', url); } function wpfb_processimg(index, el) { jQuery(el).unbind('load').load(el.src, wpfb_ondownload); } function wpfb_setupLinks() { var i,els,h,rePl,reQs,reHs; if(!wpfbConf.ql) return; reQs = /\?wpfb_dl=([0-9]+)$/; reHs = /#wpfb-file-([0-9]+)$/; rePl = new RegExp('^''/'); els = document.getElementsByTagName('a'); for(i=0;i0 ||>0 || { if('undefined' != typeof els[i].wpfbProcessed) continue; els[i].wpfbProcessed = true; wpfb_processlink(i,els[i]); } } els = document.getElementsByTagName('img'); for(i=0;i0 || { if('undefined' != typeof els[i].wpfbProcessed) continue; els[i].wpfbProcessed = true; wpfb_processimg(i,els[i]); } } } if(typeof(jQuery) != 'undefined') { jQuery(document).ready(function() { wpfb_setupLinks(); setInterval(wpfb_setupLinks, 300); }); }