function formatSymbol(sym) { sym = sym.toLowerCase().replace("/","-");//change to lower case and replace / with - return sym; } function CheckInput(pageId) { var target = ''; selected = ''; arSymbols = ''; bLookup = false; var urlre = /^http/; if (document.getElementById("quotepage").value == 'NasdaqLastsale') { window.location.href = wwwURL + 'symbol/' + formatSymbol(quoteBoxSelectedSymbol) + "/real-time"; } else if (document.getElementById("quotepage").value == 'nlstrades') { window.location.href = wwwURL + 'symbol/' + formatSymbol(quoteBoxSelectedSymbol) + "/time-sales"; } else if (document.getElementById("quotepage").value == 'quick') { //if(qbUseNewNav) // window.location.href = wwwURL + 'symbol/' + formatSymbol(quoteBoxSelectedSymbol) + "/stock-quotes"; //else window.location.href = wwwURL + 'aspx/flashquotes.aspx?symbol=' + quoteBoxSelectedSymbol + "&selected=" + quoteBoxSelectedSymbol; return; } else if (document.getElementById("quotepage").value == 'sentiment') { window.location.href = wwwURL + 'symbol/' + formatSymbol(quoteBoxSelectedSymbol) + "/stream"; 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// [0] - symbol // [1] - is valid symbol? // [2] - is new symbol? // [3] - new symbol // [4] - change date. if(validationIndex == -1)//doing add single symbol validation { if(result[1].toLowerCase()=='true')//it validated, load it { displaySymbolInfo(result[0]); } else if(result[2].toLowerCase()=='true')//it changed to a new symbol, show a message and then load it { alert(result[0] + ' is changed to ' + result[3] + ' on ' + result[4]); if(!isDuplicate(result[3])) { displaySymbolInfo(result[3]); } else { selectSymbol(result[3]); } } else //not a valid symbol, just stop { alert(result[0] + ' is Not a Valid Symbol'); document.frmAddASymbol.symbol.value = ''; document.frmAddASymbol.symbol.focus(); validatingSymbol = false; } } else //doing edit symbol list validation { if(result[1].toLowerCase()=='true')//it validated, move on to the next one { alert("getting here?2"); persistValidation(validationIndex+1); } else if(result[2].toLowerCase()=='true')//it changed to a new symbol, show a message, replace the old entry, and move on to the next one { alert(result[0] + ' is changed to ' + result[3] + ' on ' + result[4]); if(!isDuplicate(result[3])) { quoteBoxSymbolArray[validationIndex] = result[3]; persistValidation(validationIndex+1); } else { quoteBoxSymbolArray.splice(validationIndex,1);//remove from the array if(result[0] == quoteBoxSelectedSymbol) //is this the selected? { if(quoteBoxSymbolArray.length>0) { validationSelectedInvalid = true; if(validationIndex < quoteBoxSymbolArray.length-1) quoteBoxSelectedSymbol = quoteBoxSymbolArray[validationIndex]; //set selected to the next symbol if there is one else quoteBoxSelectedSymbol = quoteBoxSymbolArray[0]; //otherwise set selected to the first valid symbol } } persistValidation(validationIndex); //go on with list } } else { alert(result[0] + ' is Not a Valid Symbol');//not a valid symbol, remove this entry quoteBoxSymbolArray.splice(validationIndex,1);//remove from the array if(result[0] == quoteBoxSelectedSymbol) //is this the selected? { if(quoteBoxSymbolArray.length>0) { validationSelectedInvalid = true; if(validationIndex < quoteBoxSymbolArray.length-1) quoteBoxSelectedSymbol = quoteBoxSymbolArray[validationIndex]; //set selected to the next symbol if there is one else quoteBoxSelectedSymbol = quoteBoxSymbolArray[0]; //otherwise set selected to the first valid symbol } } persistValidation(validationIndex); //go on with list } } return; } function displaySymbolInfo(symbol) { if(quoteBoxNumSymbols==25) { alert('Can not add more than 25 symbols. Please use Edit Symbol List to edit your symbol list.'); validatingSymbol = false; return false; } //set new symbol as selected and add to symbol array new option at the end quoteBoxSelectedSymbol = symbol; quoteBoxSymbolArray.unshift(symbol); //add to first element in array //save the new cookie var preference; //save my list for next time preference preference = get_cookie_value("userCookiePref"); var exdate=new Date(); if(preference=="true") exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate()+365);//expires in 1 year else exdate.setHours(exdate.getHours()+12);//expires in 12 hours quoteBoxSymbolArray[0]=quoteBoxSymbolArray[0]+"+";//add tag to selected document.cookie="userSymbolList="+quoteBoxSymbolArray.join('&')+";expires="+exdate.toGMTString()+";path=/;"; quoteBoxSymbolArray[0]=quoteBoxSymbolArray[0].replace("+","");//remove the tag from selected //quoteBoxSymbolArray.splice(1,quoteBoxSymbolArray.length-1); //remove symbols from the array //quoteBoxNumSymbols = 1; CheckInput(); //reload the page } function qbgetIndex(symbol) { for (var t=0;t/i,"").replace(/<\/html>/i,""); if(validationIndex == -1)//doing add single symbol validation { if(result[1].toLowerCase()=='true')//it validated, load it { displaySymbolInfo(xmlhttpsym); } else if(result[2].toLowerCase()=='true')//it changed to a new symbol, show a message and then load it { alert(xmlhttpsym + ' changed to ' + result[3] + ' on ' + result[4]); if(!isDuplicate(result[3])) { displaySymbolInfo(result[3]); } else { selectSymbol(result[3]); } } else //not a valid symbol, just stop { alert(xmlhttpsym + ' is not a Valid Symbol.'); document.frmAddASymbol.symbol.value = ''; document.frmAddASymbol.symbol.focus(); validatingSymbol = false; } } else //doing edit symbol list validation { if(result[1].toLowerCase()=='true')//it validated, move on to the next one { if(!isDuplicate(result[3])) persistValidation(validationIndex+1); else { //alert("getting here?"); quoteBoxSymbolArray.splice(validationIndex,1);//remove from the array if(xmlhttpsym == quoteBoxSelectedSymbol) //is this the selected? { if(quoteBoxSymbolArray.length>0) { validationSelectedInvalid = true; if(validationIndex < quoteBoxSymbolArray.length-1) quoteBoxSelectedSymbol = quoteBoxSymbolArray[validationIndex]; //set selected to the next symbol if there is one else quoteBoxSelectedSymbol = quoteBoxSymbolArray[0]; //otherwise set selected to the first valid symbol } } persistValidation(validationIndex); //go on with list } } else if(result[2].toLowerCase()=='true')//it changed to a new symbol, show a message, replace the old entry, and move on to the next one { alert(xmlhttpsym + ' changed to ' + result[3] + ' on ' + result[4]); if(!isDuplicate(result[3])) { quoteBoxSymbolArray[validationIndex] = result[3]; persistValidation(validationIndex+1); } else { quoteBoxSymbolArray.splice(validationIndex,1);//remove from the array if(xmlhttpsym == quoteBoxSelectedSymbol) //is this the selected? { if(quoteBoxSymbolArray.length>0) { validationSelectedInvalid = true; if(validationIndex < quoteBoxSymbolArray.length-1) quoteBoxSelectedSymbol = quoteBoxSymbolArray[validationIndex]; //set selected to the next symbol if there is one else quoteBoxSelectedSymbol = quoteBoxSymbolArray[0]; //otherwise set selected to the first valid symbol } } persistValidation(validationIndex); //go on with list } } else { alert(xmlhttpsym + ' is not a Valid Symbol.');//not a valid symbol, remove this entry quoteBoxSymbolArray.splice(validationIndex,1);//remove from the array if(xmlhttpsym == quoteBoxSelectedSymbol) //is this the selected? { if(quoteBoxSymbolArray.length>0) { validationSelectedInvalid = true; if(validationIndex < quoteBoxSymbolArray.length-1) quoteBoxSelectedSymbol = quoteBoxSymbolArray[validationIndex]; //set selected to the next symbol if there is one else quoteBoxSelectedSymbol = quoteBoxSymbolArray[0]; //otherwise set selected to the first valid symbol } } persistValidation(validationIndex); //go on with list } } } } } //called from NasdaqSymLookupNoIndex.aspx function AddSymbol(symbol) { var editsymbolactive = false; if(typeof modalexists != 'undefined') { if(modalexists == true) { if(currentWindowHandle == "symbol_lookup_modal_box") { if(typeof doingComparisonLookup != 'undefined')//on comparison page { if(doingComparisonLookup == true)//looking up comparison symbol? { AddComparisonSymbol(symbol);//add the comparison symbol and bailout return; } } popmodal(); } if(currentWindowHandle == "edit_symbol_modal_box") editsymbolactive = true; } } if(!editsymbolactive) { if(isDuplicate(symbol)) { selectSymbol(symbol); } else { displaySymbolInfo(symbol); } } else { document.getElementById("modalinput").focus(); document.getElementById("modalinput").value = symbol+" "+document.getElementById("modalinput").value; //alert(symbol + " has been added to your symbol list"); } } function ShowELSSymbol(symbol)//this is for euro symbols being added { document.location.href = ""+symbol; } function initWidget() { selectPage(); loadSymbols(); //validateSymbols(); } function initCookie() { var preference; //save my list for next time preference preference = get_cookie_value("userCookiePref"); if(preference=="true" || preference==false) { if(cookies_enabled()) document.getElementById("cookiepref").checked = true; updateCookieList(quoteBoxSymbolArray,true,quoteBoxSelectedSymbol); } else updateCookieList(quoteBoxSymbolArray,false,quoteBoxSelectedSymbol); } function selectPage() { var currentPage; var newsIndex; var CallTransIndex; for(var i=0;i 0) { document.quotenav.intraday.value=symbol[1]; } else if (symbol[0].toLowerCase() == 'timeframe' && symbol[1] != null && symbol[1].length > 0) { document.quotenav.timeframe.value=symbol[1]; } else if (symbol[0].toLowerCase() == 'charttype' && symbol[1] != null && symbol[1].length > 0) { document.quotenav.charttype.value=symbol[1]; } else if (symbol[0].toLowerCase() == 'splits' && symbol[1] != null && symbol[1].length > 0) { document.quotenav.splits.value=symbol[1]; } else if (symbol[0].toLowerCase() == 'earnings' && symbol[1] != null && symbol[1].length > 0) { document.quotenav.earnings.value=symbol[1]; } else if (symbol[0].toLowerCase() == 'movingaverage' && symbol[1] != null && symbol[1].length > 0) { document.quotenav.movingaverage.value=symbol[1]; } else if (symbol[0].toLowerCase() == 'lowerstudy' && symbol[1] != null && symbol[1].length > 0) { document.quotenav.lowerstudy.value=symbol[1]; } else if (symbol[0].toLowerCase() == 'comparison' && symbol[1] != null && symbol[1].length > 0) { document.quotenav.comparison.value=symbol[1]; } else if (symbol[0].toLowerCase() == 'index' && symbol[1] != null && symbol[1].length > 0) { document.quotenav.index.value=symbol[1]; } } return; } var validationTimerHandle; function validateSymbols() { persistValidation(0); } function persistValidation(index) { if(quoteBoxSymbolArray.length>0) { if(index 0) tmpSym = tmpSym.substr(0, eval(myLen - 1)); if (tmpSym.indexOf('%60') > 0) tmpSym = tmpSym.substr(0, eval(myLen - 3)); return tmpSym; } //*********edit symbol list modal functions function editSymbolListModalBoxInit() { var input = document.getElementById("modalinput"); input.focus(); input.value = quoteBoxSymbolArray.join(" ")+" "; } function clearlist() { var input = document.getElementById("modalinput"); input.focus(); input.value = ""; } function replaceComma(temp) { //return temp.replace(/,/g, ' '); var out = ','; // replace this var add = ' '; // with this temp = '' + temp + ' '; // temporary holder while (temp.indexOf(out)>-1) { pos= temp.indexOf(out); temp = '' + (temp.substring(0, pos) + add + temp.substring((pos + out.length), temp.length)); } return temp; } function trim(str) { return str.replace(/^\s*/, '').replace(/\s*$/, ''); } function gomodal() { var re = /\s */; var sInput= document.getElementById("modalinput").value.toUpperCase(); if(validatingSymbol) return false; sInput = replaceComma(sInput); sInput = trim(sInput); if(sInput!="") { var arStrings = sInput.split(re); quoteBoxSelectedSymbol = arStrings[0]; if(document.getElementById("orderlistcontrol").checked==true) arStrings = arStrings.sort(); if (arStrings.length>25) { alert('You may only choose up to 25 symbols. Please edit your list in the data entry box.'); document.getElementById("modalinput").focus(); return true; } quoteBoxSymbolArray.splice(0,quoteBoxSymbolArray.length); //remove symbols from array for(i=0; i1) quoteBoxSymbolArray.splice(1,quoteBoxSymbolArray.length-1); //remove symbols from the array quoteBoxNumSymbols = 1; CheckInput(); //reload the page } else if(validationIndex==-3) { alert("No valid symbols entered. Please edit your list in the data entry box."); document.getElementById("modalinput").focus(); } else //still validating symbols retry in a little while validationTimerHandle = setTimeout("goModalNext()",500); //if the first symbol is invalid, the page will automatically reload once validation is finished } //*************symbol lookup modal functions function symbolLookupModalBoxinit(type) { var frame = document.getElementById("msymbollookupframe"); = "visible"; frame.src = quoteURL + 'aspx/nasdaqsymlookupNoIndex.aspx?mode='+type; } var removedCookieSyms = new Array(); function updateCookieList(symbolList,save, selected) { if(cookies_enabled()) { var total = symbolList.length; var list=""; var j,count,sym; count=symbolList.length; if(count>0) { for(j=count-1;j>=0;j--) { if ( (symbolList[j]) && (symbolList[j] != '')) { sym = symbolList[j].toUpperCase(); if(sym==selected) sym+="+"; //add a tag for selected symbol if(list!="") list = sym.concat("&"+list); else list = sym; } } var exdate=new Date(); if(save) { exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate()+365);//expires in 1 year } else { exdate.setHours(exdate.getHours()+12);//expires in 12 hours } document.cookie="userSymbolList="+list+";expires="+exdate.toGMTString()+";path=/;"; exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate()+365);//expires in 1 year if(save) document.cookie="userCookiePref=true;expires="+exdate.toGMTString()+";path=/;"; else document.cookie="userCookiePref=false;expires="+exdate.toGMTString()+";path=/;"; } }//cookies not enabled } function toggleCookieNav() { if(cookies_enabled()) { if(get_cookie_value("userCookiePref")=="true")//disabling cookie nav { var confirmation=confirm("Are you sure? Choosing the OK button will clear your current symbol list for next time"); if(confirmation==true) { var exdate=new Date(); exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate()+365);//expires in 1 year document.cookie="userCookiePref=false;expires="+exdate.toGMTString()+";path=/;"; } else { document.getElementById("cookiepref").checked = true; } } else//enabling cookie nav { var exdate=new Date(); exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate()+365);//expires in 1 year document.cookie="userCookiePref=true;expires="+exdate.toGMTString()+";path=/;"; } } else { alert("Browser cookies must be enabled to view multiple symbols during your session"); document.getElementById("cookiepref").checked = false; } } //input box cursor, called after ads are loaded function hpPlaceCursor() { document.getElementById("AddASymbol").focus();//place the cursor in the input box after ads } function deleteSym(ele,symbol) { var removeIndex, selectedIndex; var preference; //save my list for next time preference //if(confirm("Delete "+symbol+" from your list?")) //{ removeIndex = qbgetIndex(symbol); selectedIndex = qbgetIndex(quoteBoxSelectedSymbol); if(removeIndex!=-1 && selectedIndex!=-1 && removeIndex!=selectedIndex) { quoteBoxSymbolArray.splice(removeIndex,1); preference = get_cookie_value("userCookiePref"); var exdate=new Date(); if(preference=="true") exdate.setDate(exdate.getDate()+365);//expires in 1 year else exdate.setHours(exdate.getHours()+12);//expires in 12 hours quoteBoxSymbolArray[selectedIndex]=quoteBoxSymbolArray[selectedIndex]+"+";//add tag to selected document.cookie="userSymbolList="+quoteBoxSymbolArray.join('&')+";expires="+exdate.toGMTString()+";path=/;"; quoteBoxSymbolArray[selectedIndex]=quoteBoxSymbolArray[selectedIndex].replace("+","");//remove the tag from selected ele.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(ele.parentNode); } //} } $(function() { $("#AddASymbol").autocomplete("/aspx/autocompletesearch.aspx",{minChars:2,max:9,cacheLength:1,delay:50,selectFirst:false,extraParams:{sortBy:"symbol"}}).result(function(event, item) { validateSymbol(item); }); }); initWidget();