var MARGIN_WIDTH = 12; var MARGIN_HEIGHT = 12; var FOOTER_HEIGHT = 31; var IS_BEST_FIT = false; function languageRefresh(selectedLanguage) { var href = window.location.href.split("#")[0]; href = href.substr(href.indexOf(".")); href = href.substr(0,href.indexOf("/")); document.cookie = "wixLanguage=" + selectedLanguage + "; domain="+ href +"; path=/"; location.reload(true); var href1 = window.location.href.split("#")[0]; href1 = href1.substr(href1.indexOf(".")); var prefix = selectedLanguage; if (selectedLanguage == "en") { prefix = "www"; } window.location.href = "http://" + prefix + href1; } function fireConversionPixel(referral) { document.getElementById("conversionPixel").src = "/wixBeacon"; } function getCookieValue(cookieName) { if (document.cookie) { var cookies = document.cookie.split(/;\s*/); for (var i = 0, n = cookies.length; i < n; i++) { var cookie = cookies[i]; if (cookie.indexOf(cookieName + "=") === 0) return cookie.substr(cookieName.length + 1); } } return null; } //expires in minutes function setCookie(name, value, expires) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime() + (expires * 60 * 1000)); var domain; var hostName =; // get domain name without subdomain if (hostName.indexOf(".") == hostName.lastIndexOf(".")) { domain = hostName; } else { domain = hostName.substring(hostName.indexOf(".")); } document.cookie = name + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value) + "; path=/; expires=" + date.toUTCString() + "; domain=" + domain; } function deleteCookie(name) { setCookie(name, "", -1); } var USER_SERVER_LOG = []; function handleUserServerResponse(action, success, errorCode, errorDescription, userJson, token) { try { USER_SERVER_LOG.push({action:action, success:success, errorCode:errorCode, errorDescription:errorDescription, userJson:userJson, token:token}); getFlashAppInstance().handleUserServerResponse(action, success, errorCode, errorDescription, userJson, token); } catch(e) { logError("VIEWER", "handleUserServerResponse", e.message, action, "basic.js"); } } function logError(origin, errType, description, apiCall, appVersion, apiParams, additionalParams) { var url; if ("") != -1) { url = ""; } else { url = ""; } var arr = []; arr.push(url + "?origin=" + encodeURI(origin)); if (typeof errType != "undefined") arr.push("errType=" + encodeURI(errType)); if (typeof description != "undefined") arr.push("description=" + encodeURI(description)); if (typeof apiCall != "undefined") arr.push("apiCall=" + encodeURI(apiCall)); if (typeof appVersion != "undefined") arr.push("appVersion=" + encodeURI(appVersion)); if (typeof apiParams != "undefined") arr.push("apiParams=" + encodeURI(apiParams)); if (typeof additionalParams != "undefined") arr.push("additionalParams=" + encodeURI(additionalParams)); if (typeof wixDocId != "undefined") arr.push("docID=" + encodeURI(wixDocId)); new Image(0, 0).src = arr.join("&"); } var APP_TYPE = "VIEWER"; var APP_STATUS = "appLoading"; var APP_TIMESTAMPS = []; var LAST_ERROR_TYPE = null; APP_TIMESTAMPS[APP_STATUS] = new Date().getTime(); var APP_TIMER = window.setInterval("testReadyState()", 250); var isFirstTime = true; function setReadyState(appType, status) { APP_TYPE = appType; APP_STATUS = status; APP_TIMESTAMPS[APP_STATUS] = new Date().getTime(); /*Sending hash to urlState object*/ /*comment this section to shut down deep linking*/ if (APP_STATUS == "appLoadedXML" && isFirstTime === true) { isFirstTime = false; hashToFlash(urlState.getHash()); } } function testReadyState() { var version = APP_TYPE.substring(0, 2) + "XXX"; var now = new Date().getTime(); var secondsSinceStart = (now - APP_TIMESTAMPS["appLoading"]) / 1000; var secondsSinceLast = (now - APP_TIMESTAMPS[APP_STATUS]) / 1000; switch (APP_STATUS) { case "appLoading": if (secondsSinceLast > 20 && LAST_ERROR_TYPE != "appStarted") { LAST_ERROR_TYPE = "appStarted"; logError(APP_TYPE, LAST_ERROR_TYPE, "The application failed to load the first phase within " + secondsSinceStart + " seconds", "setReadyState", version, secondsSinceStart); } break; case "appStarted": if (secondsSinceLast > 20 && LAST_ERROR_TYPE != "appLoadedXML") { LAST_ERROR_TYPE = "appLoadedXML"; logError(APP_TYPE, LAST_ERROR_TYPE, "The application failed to load the page-xml within " + secondsSinceStart + " seconds. Time of appStarted was " + getSecondsSinceState("appStarted"), "setReadyState", version, secondsSinceStart); } break; case "appLoadedXML": if (secondsSinceLast > 20 && LAST_ERROR_TYPE != "appLoadedAll") { LAST_ERROR_TYPE = "appLoadedAll"; logError(APP_TYPE, LAST_ERROR_TYPE, "The application failed to finish loading within " + secondsSinceStart + " seconds. Time of appStarted was " + getSecondsSinceState("appStarted") + ". Time of appLoadedXML was " + getSecondsSinceState("appLoadedXML"), "setReadyState", version, secondsSinceStart); } break; case "appLoadedAll": window.clearInterval(APP_TIMER); preCache(); break; } } function getSecondsSinceState(state) { return ((APP_TIMESTAMPS[state] - APP_TIMESTAMPS["appLoading"]) / 1000); } function addListener(win, eventName, handler) { if (win.addEventListener) win.addEventListener(eventName, handler, false); else if (win.attachEvent) win.attachEvent("on" + eventName, handler); else win["on" + eventName] = handler; } function openUrl(url, vaildatePopup) { try { var popupBlocked = false; var win =, '_blank'); if (!win || win.closed || typeof win.closed == 'undefined') { popupBlocked = true; } else { win.focus(); } if (vaildatePopup) { try { getFlashAppInstance().popupFailure(popupBlocked); } catch(e) { logError("VIEWER", "openUrl", "Flash object is not yet ready", url, "basic.js"); } } return true; } catch (e) { logError("VIEWER", "openUrl", e.message, url, "basic.js"); return false; } } function openUrlNoMenu(url, vaildatePopup) { try { var popupBlocked = false; var screenSize = getPhysicalScreenDimensions(); var win =, '_blank', "resizable=yes,menubar=no,status=no,titlebar=no,toolbar=no,channelmode=yes,width=" + screenSize.width + ",height=" + screenSize.height); if (!win || win.closed || typeof win.closed == 'undefined') { popupBlocked = true; } else { win.focus(); } if (vaildatePopup) { try { getFlashAppInstance().popupFailure(popupBlocked); } catch(e) { logError("VIEWER", "openUrlNoMenu", "Flash object is not yet ready", url, "basic.js"); } } return true; } catch(e) { logError("VIEWER", "openUrlNoMenu", e.message, url, "basic.js"); return false; } } function getPhysicalScreenDimensions() { var winW = 1024, winH = 768; try { winW = screen.availWidth; winH = screen.availHeight; if (typeof winW == "undefined") { winW = 1024; } if (typeof winH == "undefined") { winH = 768; } } catch(e) { winW = 1024; winH = 768; } return {width: (winW ), height: (winH )}; } function getBodyDimensions() { var w = 0, h = 0; if (!window.innerWidth) { //strict mode if (!(document.documentElement.clientWidth == 0)) { w = document.documentElement.clientWidth; h = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else { //quirks mode w = document.body.clientWidth; h = document.body.clientHeight; } } else { //w3c w = window.innerWidth; h = window.innerHeight; } return {width:w,height:h} } function getScreenDimensions() { var d = getBodyDimensions(); return {width: (d.width - (2 * MARGIN_WIDTH)), height: (d.height - (2 * MARGIN_HEIGHT + ((getFooter() || document.getElementById("wixfooter1")) ? 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"8px" : "0"; } function createStyles(autoSize, width, height) { IS_BEST_FIT = (autoSize == "fitScreen"); var cssText = new Array(); cssText.push(''); document.write(cssText.join("")); } //this function should call both the wix googlitics and the users (if the user have one) function doGooglitics(fakeUrl) { pageTracker._trackPageview(fakeUrl); if (hasGoogleAnalytics) { pageTrackerUser._trackPageview(fakeUrl); } } //this function should call only the wix googlitics function doGoogliticsWix(fakeUrl) { pageTracker._trackPageview(fakeUrl); } //this function should call only the user googlitics (if the user doesnt have one the function should be empty function doGoogliticsUser(fakeUrl) { if (null != userGoogleAnalytics && "" != userGoogleAnalytics) { if (hasGoogleAnalytics) { pageTrackerUser._trackPageview(fakeUrl); } } } function gaSSDSLoad(acct) { var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."), pageTracker, s; s = document.createElement('script'); s.src = gaJsHost + ''; s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.onloadDone = false; function initPageTrackers() { pageTracker = _gat._getTracker(acct); if (wixGoogleAnalytics){ pageTracker._trackPageview(); if (hasGoogleAnalytics) { pageTrackerUser = _gat._getTracker(userGoogleAnalytics); pageTrackerUser._initData(); pageTrackerUser._trackPageview(); } } } s.onload = function () { s.onloadDone = true; initPageTrackers(); }; s.onreadystatechange = function() { if (('loaded' === s.readyState || 'complete' === s.readyState) && !s.onloadDone) { s.onloadDone = true; initPageTrackers(); } }; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s); } function pageOnLoad() { if (typeof wixGoogleAnalytics != "undefined") gaSSDSLoad(wixGoogleAnalytics); //comment this line to shut down deep linking urlState.init(docTitle); } function preCache(){ //Run pre cache for the flex when on a wix document try { if (docTypeFlags == 2) { window.setTimeout(function() { var ph = document.createElement('div'); = "preCacheLoader"; = "1px"; = "1px"; = "absolute"; document.body.appendChild(ph); swfobject.embedSWF(staticServerUrl + "client/PreCache.swf?" + cacheKiller + "&max-age=172800", "preCacheLoader", "1", "1", minimalFlashVersion); }, 3000); } } catch(e) { } } function pageOnResize() { var dimensions = getScreenDimensions(); var app = getFlashAppInstance(); if (app != null) { try { app.onScreenResize(dimensions.width, dimensions.height); } catch(e) { } } return false; } function setHistoryFrame(address, additionalInfo) { var ifrm; try { var page_name = address.substr(8, adress.indexOf(',') - 8); if (additionalInfo != null && additionalInfo.length > 0) { page_name = page_name + '_' + additionalInfo; } page_name = page_name + '.html'; ifrm = document.getElementById("historyframe"); if (ifrm != null) { ifrm.src = "/siteBackHtml?adress=" + address + '&additionalInfo=' + additionalInfo; } } catch(ex) { ifrm = document.getElementById("historyframe"); if (ifrm != null) { ifrm.src = "/siteBackFiles/siteBack.html?adress=" + address + '&additionalInfo=' + additionalInfo; } } } function onHistoryFrameLoaded(adress, additionalInfo) { var app = getFlashAppInstance(); if (app != null) { try { app.onHistoryFrameLoaded(adress, additionalInfo); } catch(e) { } } } addListener(window, "load", function() { pageOnLoad(); }); addListener(window, "resize", function() { pageOnResize(); }); // =============================================== settings (vars) ====================================================== FOOTER_HEIGHT = 23; var desing_wix = ""; var free_web = "Make a free website"; var campaign_id = "sf_footer"; //var experiment_id = _ var twitter_txt = "Check out this @Wix site"; var addrWithParamsNotEnc = window.location.href + "?client_bi=true&utm_campaign=" + campaign_id + "&experiment_id="; var iconImageAddr = ""; var floggerAddr = ""; var domain = ""; function buildFootbar() { if (parseInt(biSequence) % 2 == 0) { var oldDomain = "" + usersDomain; domain = oldDomain.replace("users.", "static."); iconImageAddr = "http://" + domain + "/media/" + siteIconName; var suf = document.getElementById("wfa1"); if (suf.href) { desing_wix = suf.href; } if (suf.innerHTML) { suf_txt = suf.innerHTML; free_web = suf.innerHTML; } buildFootbarNew(); // call inform inform(floggerAddr + "/footer_bi?event_id=1&site_id=" + biSequence + "&target_sn=0"); } else { document.getElementById("wixfooter1").parentNode.innerHTML = ''; inform(floggerAddr + "/footer_bi?event_id=3&site_id=" + biSequence + "&target_sn=0"); pageOnResize(); } } function buildFootbarNew() { var footerElem = document.getElementById("wixfooter1"); = "#F0F0F0"; = "0px"; = "fixed"; = "100%"; footerElem.innerHTML = ""; = "23px"; buildPrefix(footerElem); buildFacebook(footerElem); buildTwitter(footerElem); buildBuzz(footerElem); buildDigg(footerElem); buildStumble(footerElem); buildSuffix(footerElem); } function buildPrefix(footerElem) { var tagA = document.createElement("a"); tagA.href = desing_wix; tagA.title = "website builder"; = "a0id"; var L1 = document.createElement("span"); L1.className = "logo"; tagA.appendChild(L1); footerElem.appendChild(tagA); var imLine = document.createElement("img"); imLine.src = "http://" + domain + "/client/images/Line.png"; imLine.align = "left"; = "21px"; footerElem.appendChild(imLine); var tagA1 = document.createElement("a"); tagA1.title = "Website builder"; tagA1.className = "link1"; tagA1.align = "left"; tagA1.innerHTML = "  Share this site!: "; footerElem.appendChild(tagA1); } function buildTwitter(footerElem) { var tagA = document.createElement("a"); tagA.title = "Share site on Twitter"; = "_blank"; = "a2id"; var experiment_id = getSocialCode("Twitter") + "_" + biSequence; tagA.href = "" + encodeURIComponent(addrWithParamsNotEnc + experiment_id) + "&text=" + encodeURIComponent(twitter_txt) + "&original_referer=" + encodeURIComponent(document.referrer); tagA.onclick = new Function('inform("' + floggerAddr + '/footer_bi?event_id=2&site_id=' + biSequence + '&target_sn=2")'); footerElem.appendChild(tagA); var im = document.createElement("img"); im.alt = "Share site on Twitter"; im.border = "0"; im.hspace = "6"; im.align = "left"; im.src = "http://" + domain + "/client/images/twitter.png"; = '7px'; = "17px"; = "17px"; = '3px'; = "twitterId"; tagA.appendChild(im); } function buildStumble(footerElem) { var tagA = document.createElement("a"); var experiment_id = getSocialCode("StumbleUpon") + "_" + biSequence; tagA.href = "" + encodeURIComponent(addrWithParamsNotEnc + experiment_id) + "&title=WIX"; tagA.onclick = new Function('inform("' + floggerAddr + '/footer_bi?event_id=2&site_id=' + biSequence + '&target_sn=5")'); tagA.title = "Share site on StumbleUpon"; = "a4id"; = "_blank"; tagA.rel = "external"; footerElem.appendChild(tagA); var im = document.createElement("img"); im.alt = "Share site on StumbleUpon"; im.border = "0"; im.hspace = "6"; im.align = "left"; im.src = "http://" + domain + "/client/images/stumbleupon.png"; = "17px"; = "17px"; = '3px'; tagA.appendChild(im); } function buildDigg(footerElem) { var tagA = document.createElement("a"); var experiment_id = getSocialCode("Digg") + "_" + biSequence; tagA.href = "" + encodeURIComponent(addrWithParamsNotEnc + experiment_id) + "&title=WIX"; tagA.title = "Share site on Digg"; = "a5id"; tagA.onclick = new Function('inform("' + floggerAddr + '/footer_bi?event_id=2&site_id=' + biSequence + '&target_sn=4")'); tagA.rel = "external"; = "_blank"; footerElem.appendChild(tagA); var im = document.createElement("img"); im.alt = "Share site on Digg"; im.border = "0"; im.hspace = "6"; im.align = "left"; im.src = "http://" + domain + "/client/images/digg.png"; = "17px"; = "17px"; = '3px'; tagA.appendChild(im); } function buildFacebook(footerElem) { var tagA = document.createElement("a"); tagA.title = "Share site on Facebook"; = "a6id"; var experiment_id = getSocialCode("Facebook") + "_" + biSequence; tagA.href = "" + encodeURIComponent(addrWithParamsNotEnc + experiment_id); tagA.onclick = new Function('return start_publish()'); = "_blank"; footerElem.appendChild(tagA); var im = document.createElement("img"); im.alt = "Share site on Facebook"; im.border = "0"; im.hspace = "6"; im.align = "left"; im.src = "http://" + domain + "/client/images/facebook.png"; = "17px"; = "17px"; = '3px'; tagA.appendChild(im); } function buildBuzz(footerElem) { var tagA = document.createElement("a"); tagA.title = "Share site on Google Buzz"; var experiment_id = getSocialCode("Buzz") + "_" + biSequence; tagA.href = "" + encodeURIComponent(addrWithParamsNotEnc + experiment_id) + "&imageurl=" + iconImageAddr; tagA.onclick = new Function('inform("' + floggerAddr + '/footer_bi?event_id=2&site_id=' + biSequence + '&target_sn=3")'); = "a3id"; = "_blank"; footerElem.appendChild(tagA); var im = document.createElement("img"); im.alt = "Share site on Google Buzz"; im.border = "0"; im.hspace = "6"; im.align = "left"; im.src = "http://" + domain + "/client/images/buzz.png"; = "17px"; = "17px"; = '3px'; tagA.appendChild(im); } function buildSuffix(footerElem) { var tagA = document.createElement("a"); = "wfa1"; tagA.href = desing_wix; tagA.className = "link2"; tagA.title = "Free website"; tagA.innerHTML = free_web; footerElem.appendChild(tagA); var node = document.getElementById("wfa1"); } function inform(name) { new Image(0, 0).src = name; } function start_publish() { var docname = ""; var url = addrWithParamsNotEnc + "1_" + biSequence; var message = ""; shareOnFacebook(docname, url, iconImageAddr, message); inform(floggerAddr + "/footer_bi?event_id=2&site_id=" + biSequence + "&target_sn=1"); return false; } function getSocialCode(name) { var codes = { "Facebook":"1", "Twitter":"2", "Buzz":"3", "Digg":"4", "StumbleUpon":"5" }; for (x in codes) { if (x.toUpperCase() == name.toUpperCase()) { return codes[x]; } } return null; } // START: social footer persol ver /** * Social footer link and bi builder * @param options A dictionary of parameters: * @param options.url The url to share, defaults to current page. * @param options.title The text to share, defaults to page title. * @param options.campaign_id The campaign id defaults to window.campaign_id. * @param options.biSequence The BI name for the campaign, defaults to window.biSequence. * @param options.socialItems A dictionary of the links to build. Defaults are hard coded here. * @param options.floggerAddr The flossger address. Defaults to window.floggerAddr. * @param options.ABTesting Show the social footer only for even biSequence IDs. */ function buildSocialFootbar(options){ options = options || {}; var biSequence = options.biSequence || window.biSequence || 0; var ABTesting = (typeof options.ABTesting == 'undefined') ? true : options.ABTesting; // 1 == social footer, 3 == normal footer var footerStatus = 3; var url = options.url || window.location.href; var title = options.title || document.title; var campaign_id = options.campaign_id || 'sf_footer2'; // || window.campaign_id || 'sf_footer2'; var urlParams = "?client_bi=true&utm_campaign=" + campaign_id + "&experiment_id="; var floggerAddr = options.floggerAddr || window.floggerAddr || ''; var socialItems = options.socialItems || { 'facebook':{'name':'Facebook', 'target_sn':1, 'id':'ficn', 'href':'', 'url': 'u=' , 'text':'', 'title': '', 'extra': ''}, 'twitter': {'name':'Twitter', 'target_sn':2, 'id':'ticn', 'href':'', 'url': 'url=', 'text':'&text=', 'title':'Check out this @Wix site', 'extra': '&original_referer=' + document.referrer}, 'buzz': {'name':'Google Buzz', 'target_sn':3, 'id':'bicn', 'href':'', 'url': 'url=', 'text':'&text=', 'title': '', 'extra': ''}, 'digg': {'name':'Digg', 'target_sn':4, 'id':'dicn', 'href':'', 'url': 'url=', 'text':'&title=', 'title': 'WIX', 'extra': ''}, 'stumble': {'name':'StumbleUpon', 'target_sn':5, 'id':'suicn', 'href':'', 'url': 'url=', 'text':'&title=', 'title': 'WIX', 'extra': ''} } var buildButtons = function(){ footerStatus = 1; var footer = document.getElementById('footer'); var links = document.getElementById('sfshare'); = 'block'; for (var i in socialItems){ if(socialItems.hasOwnProperty(i)){ var item = socialItems[i]; var link = document.getElementById(; if (!link) continue; link.href = item.href // Build URL + bi parameters and encode it + item.url + encodeURIComponent(url + (item.urlParams || urlParams) + item.target_sn + '_' + biSequence) // Text or title to show in share - leave 'item.text' empty to skip, else will print page title if text not explicitly defined + item.text + (item.text && (item.title || title)) // Add other parameters if exist + (item.extra || ''); = '_blank'; link.title = 'Share site on ' +; link.rel = item.target_sn; addEvent(link, 'click', function(e){ var e = e || window.event; var tgt = || e.srcElement; inform(floggerAddr + '/footer_bi?event_id=2&site_id=' + biSequence + '&target_sn=' + tgt.rel); }); } } } // Helper functions /** * Simple cross browser add event * fixes 'this' context for IE * @param html_element The element to apply the event on * @param event_name The name of the event (like 'click', 'focus' etc.) * @param event_function The function to run on event. */ function addEvent(html_element, event_name, event_function) { if (html_element.attachEvent) //Internet Explorer html_element.attachEvent("on" + event_name, event_function); else if (html_element.addEventListener) //Firefox & company html_element.addEventListener(event_name, event_function, false); //don't need the 'call' trick because in FF everything already works in the right way } // Set Footer width func = function(){ document.getElementById('footer').style.width = document.getElementById('app') ? document.getElementById('app').width + 'px' : '1000px'; }; // Run! setTimeout(func, 1000); if (!ABTesting || (ABTesting && (+biSequence % 2 == 0))){ buildButtons(); } inform(floggerAddr + "/footer_bi?event_id=" + footerStatus + "&site_id=" + biSequence + "&target_sn=0"); } // END: social footer persol ver function setUrlFragment(newHash) { urlState.setUrlFragment(newHash); } function hashToFlash(hashVal) { var app = getFlashAppInstance(); if (app != null) { try { app.onUrlFragmentChange(hashVal); } catch(e) { } } } var docTitle = document.title; var urlState = { options:{ currentHash:"" }, init:function(docTitle) { document.title = docTitle; this.options.currentHash = this.getHash(); /*Browser detection*/ var browser = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var place = browser.indexOf("msie"); var version = browser.charAt(place + 3); if (typeof document.all !== "undefined" && (version == "6" || version === "7")) { setInterval(this.ieCheckChange, 100); } else { window.onhashchange = function() { urlState.urlchanged(); }; } }, urlchanged:function() { var hashValue = this.getHash(); hashToFlash(hashValue); this.options.currentHash = hashValue; document.title = docTitle; }, getHash:function() { var hashStr = this.setString(window.location.hash); return hashStr; }, setString:function(str) { var hashValue; var fullUrl = str.replace("%20", "-"); fullUrl = fullUrl.replace(" ", "-"); /* deprecated, used to unescape values for safari only */ fullUrl = unescape(fullUrl); fullUrl = fullUrl.toLowerCase(); if (fullUrl.indexOf("#!") == 0 || fullUrl.indexOf("#!") == true) { hashValue = fullUrl.split("#!")[1]; } else { hashValue = ""; } return hashValue; }, setUrlFragment:function(newHash) { /* timeout is a fix for chrome who execute go to page after hash change */ setTimeout(function(){window.location.hash = "!" + newHash;}, 1000); document.title = docTitle; }, ieCheckChange:function() { var curHash = urlState.getHash(); var lastHash = urlState.options.currentHash; if (lastHash !== curHash) { urlState.options.currentHash = curHash; hashToFlash(curHash); } }, getLocation:function(){ return window.location.href; } };