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This font face is designed to be used mostly for headlines, visual identities or short sentences, both in big and small sizes. Lighter faces provide a more contemporary and design look&feel, while the bolder ones definitely look retro.Novecento family was kerned with love and patience; each font has between 1030 and 1090 kerning pairs.Novecento is available both in opentype format (.otf) and as a webfont (@fontface). | OPENTYPE FEATURES | CASE Set All-Caps to get colon and semicolon glyphs centered. DNOM & NUMR Small 0 to 9 figures to get proper weight numerators (aligned to cap height) and denominators (aligned to baseline). FRAC Custom fractions generation feature SUPS Small 0 to 9 figures to get proper weight superiors. LOCL Romanian and Polish advanced diacritics support. Just select your text language to activate the localized accents. SS01 / SALT Alternate Q letter shape for ultra narrow line heights. Implemented both as Stylistic Set n1 (ss01) and Stylistic Alternate (salt) to maximize compatibility between applications. SS02 / SALT Alternate N letter shape. Implemented both as Stylistic Set n2 (ss02) and Stylistic Alternate (salt) to maximize compatibility between applications. SS03 / SALT Alternate I letter shape. Implemented both as Stylistic Set n3 (ss03) and Stylistic Alternate (salt) to maximize compatibility between applications. SS04 / SALT Alternate J letter shape. Implemented both as Stylistic Set n4 (ss04) and Stylistic Alternate (salt) to maximize compatibility between applications. SS05 / SALT Alternate Y letter shape. Implemented both as Stylistic Set n5 (ss05) and Stylistic Alternate (salt) to maximize compatibility between applications. TNUM / PNUM Tabular/proportional figures set. Figures of same width always align, despite of their weight. ZERO / SALT Slashed zero alternate glyph, works with tabular and proportional figures, numerators, denominators and superiors. Implemented both as Zero as Salt to maximize compatibility between applications.typography.synthview.comwww.synthview.comPlease refer to the EULA (End User License agreement) you received with this software.Novecento wideDemiBoldWebfont 1.0Mon Dec 10 12:37:09 2012  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghjikmlnoqprsutvwxzy{}|~     glyph1uni000Duni00A0uni00ADuni00B2uni00B3uni00B9uni2000uni2001uni2002uni2003uni2004uni2005uni2006uni2007uni2008uni2009uni200Auni2010uni2011 figuredashuni202Funi205FEurouniE000KPXYF+X!YKRX!Y+\X E+D E++D E++D En++D EB++D E9++D E0++D E ++D E ++D E ++D E+D E =+Fv+D EP+Fv+D E+Fv+D E+Fv+D Ez+Fv+D Ed+Fv+D ET+Fv+D Ei+Fv+D ES+Fv+D E+Fv+D ER+Fv+D E!+Fv+DY+P