(function($) { "use strict"; $(document).ready(function() { var aviabodyclasses = AviaBrowserDetection('html'); $.avia_utilities = $.avia_utilities || {}; if( /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent) && 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) { $.avia_utilities.isMobile = true; } else { $.avia_utilities.isMobile = false; } //check if user uses IE7 - if yes don't execute the function or the menu will break if(aviabodyclasses.indexOf("avia-msie-7") == -1) avia_responsive_menu(); // decreases header size when user scrolls down avia_header_size(); // set sidebar main menu option avia_sidebar_menu(); //activates the sticky submenu avia_sticky_submenu(); //show scroll top button avia_scroll_top_fade(); //show scroll top button avia_site_preloader(); //creates search tooltip new $.AviaTooltip({"class": 'avia-search-tooltip',data: 'avia-search-tooltip', event:'click', position:'bottom', scope: "body", attach:'element'}); //creates relate posts tooltip new $.AviaTooltip({"class": 'avia-related-tooltip', data: 'avia-related-tooltip', scope: ".related_posts, .av-share-box", attach:'element', delay:0}); 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avia_hover_effect(container); avia_iframe_fix(container); //activate html5 video player if($.fn.avia_html5_activation && $.fn.mediaelementplayer) $(".avia_video, .avia_audio", container).avia_html5_activation({ratio:'16:9'}); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Error log helper // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $.avia_utilities.log = function(text, type, extra) { if(typeof console == 'undefined'){return;} if(typeof type == 'undefined'){type = "log"} type = "AVIA-" + type.toUpperCase(); console.log("["+type+"] "+text); if(typeof extra != 'undefined') console.log(extra); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // modified SCROLLSPY by bootstrap // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function AviaScrollSpy(element, options) { var self = this; var process = $.proxy(self.process, self) , refresh = $.proxy(self.refresh, self) , $element = $(element).is('body') ? $(window) : $(element) , href self.$body = $('body') self.$win = $(window) self.options = $.extend({}, $.fn.avia_scrollspy.defaults, options) self.selector = (self.options.target || ((href = $(element).attr('href')) && href.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, '')) //strip for ie7 || '') self.activation_true = false; 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pre_wrap.avia_animate({opacity:1}, function() { window.location = link.href; }); } } } }); } }, 500); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // detect browser and add class to body // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function AviaBrowserDetection(outputClassElement) { if(typeof($.browser) !== 'undefined') { var bodyclass = '', version = $.browser.version ? parseInt($.browser.version) : ""; if($.browser.msie){ bodyclass += 'avia-msie'; }else if($.browser.webkit){ bodyclass += 'avia-webkit'; }else if($.browser.mozilla) { bodyclass += 'avia-mozilla'; } if($.browser.version) bodyclass += ' ' + bodyclass + '-' + version + ' '; if($.browser.name) bodyclass += ' avia-' + $.browser.name + ' avia-' +$.browser.name +'-' + version + ' '; if($.browser.ipad){ bodyclass += ' avia-ipad '; }else if($.browser.iphone){ bodyclass += ' avia-iphone '; }else if($.browser.android){ bodyclass += ' avia-android '; 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} else { var after_menu = $('#header .logo'); if(after_menu.length == 0) after_menu = "#main .logo:eq(0)"; show_menu_btn.insertAfter(after_menu); mobile_advanced.find('.noMobile').remove(); mobile_advanced.prependTo(container); hide_menu_btn.prependTo(container); } }, set_height = function() { var height = mobile_advanced.outerHeight(true), win_h = win.height(); if(height < win_h) height = win_h; container.css({'height':height}); mobile_advanced.css({position:'absolute', 'min-height':win_h}); }, hide_menu = function() { container.removeClass('show_mobile_menu'); setTimeout(function(){ container.css({'height':"auto", 'overflow':'hidden', 'minHeight':0}); mobile_advanced.css({display:'none'}); },600); return false; }, autohide = function() { if(container.is('.show_mobile_menu') && hide_menu_btn.css('display') == 'none'){ hide_menu(); } }, show_menu = function() { if(container.is('.show_mobile_menu')) { hide_menu(); } else { win.scrollTop(0); mobile_advanced.css({display:'block'}); setTimeout(function(){container.addClass('show_mobile_menu'); },10); set_height(); } return false; }; $html.on('click', '#mobile-advanced li a, #mobile-advanced .mega_menu_title', function() { var current = $(this); //if submenu items are hidden do the toggle if(sub_hidden) { var list_item = current.siblings('ul, .avia_mega_div'); if ( current.siblings('ul').children('.avia_mega_text_block').length && current.siblings('ul').children('li').length == 1 ) { list_item = ''; } if(list_item.length) { if(list_item.hasClass('visible_sublist')) { list_item.removeClass('visible_sublist'); } else { list_item.addClass('visible_sublist'); } set_height(); return false; } } //when clicked on anchor link remove the menu so the body can scroll to the anchor if(current.filter('[href*=#]').length) { container.removeClass('show_mobile_menu'); container.css({'height':"auto"}); } }); show_menu_btn.click(show_menu); hide_menu_btn.click(hide_menu); win.on( 'debouncedresize', autohide ); insert_menu(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // html 5 videos // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $.fn.avia_html5_activation = function(options) { var defaults = { ratio: '16:9' }; var options = $.extend(defaults, options), isMobile = $.avia_utilities.isMobile; // if(isMobile) return; this.each(function() { var fv = $(this), id_to_apply = '#' + fv.attr('id'), posterImg = fv.attr('poster'); fv.mediaelementplayer({ // if the