What is the stock symbol and CUSIP number for ENGlobal Corporation common stock? |
Stock symbol: ENG
On what exchanges is ENGlobal listed? |
ENGlobal is listed on The NASDAQ Capital Market; www.nasdaq.com (NASDAQ: ENG) |
When did ENGlobal go public and where is it incorporated? |
ENGlobal went public on June 22, 1994 and is incorporated in Nevada. |
Who are ENGlobal independent auditors/accountants? |
Moss Adams LLP; www.mossadams.com |
How can I buy ENGlobal stock? |
You can buy shares of ENG through any stockbroker. |
Can I buy shares directly from ENGlobal Corporation? |
No. Currently, ENGlobal does not offer a direct purchase plan. You should contact a stockbroker or financial consultant if you are interested in purchasing ENG stock. |
Does ENGlobal stock pay a dividend? |
No. ENGlobal currently does not pay a dividend. |
Investors with other requests may contact: |
Investor Relations
Who is ENGlobal's transfer agent and how does a registered shareholder contact the agent for account information? |
Computershare Investor Services handles all stockholder account information including stock certificates and address changes. Computershare Investor Services Shareholder Website Shareholder online inquiries Through Computershare's Investor Centre Web service, registered shareholders* can manage accounts administered by Computershare online. There are two types of access:
If you are a first-time user, you will need to secure an authorization code to enable you to gain full access to Investor Centre. Visit Investor Centre's registration page and input company ticker symbol under Ticker Symbol, and your holder account number and postal code. Go through the 4-step process and you will receive a confirmation of your registration via email. After you register, you will receive an authorization code in the mail and instructions on how to activate your account for unrestricted transactional functionality the next time you log in. Want to learn more? Take the online tour here! * Please note this service is available for registered shareholders only. If you have your holdings in a brokerage account, please contact your broker or investment advisor. |