//Define jquery for ipad rewards (function ($) { /* Author: */ $(document).ready(function() { // FOR IPAD/IPHONE POPOVER // new linking to utilize ipadview template // if(window.location.href.indexOf('mode=popover') > -1) // { // $('body').addClass('popover'); // $('#menu-faq a, #the-post p a').each(function() { // $(this).attr('href', $(this).attr('href') + '?mode=popover'); // }); // } if($('#top-scores').length){ // create MG leaders table: var lt = document.createElement('table'); $(lt).attr('id','leaders'); $(lt).append(''); $('#top-scores').append(lt); // Get the XML doc. Right now this pulls from the same directory. // Reccommend keeping the XML file on the same server. Otherwise, this // call will need to be expanded on to handle xdomain. This is meant to // be a quick and dirty solution to automating. // XML file works as is. This code assumes that the XML file has already // been sorted with highest score at top (descending). The example I was // sent was sorted. If you want to handle cases where it might not, then // sorting will have to be built into this method. $.get("/misc_viggle_files/leaders.xml", function(d){ $(d).find('row').each(function(i){ var values = $(this).children('value'); // new row var tr = document.createElement("tr"); // rank column var rank = document.createElement('td'); $(rank).addClass('rank'); $(rank).addClass('collegiate'); $(rank).html(i+1); // username column var username = document.createElement('td'); $(username).addClass('displayName'); $(username).html($(values[2]).text()); // score column var score = document.createElement('td'); $(score).addClass('score'); $(score).html(addCommas($(values[1]).text())); // append columns to row $(tr).append(rank); $(tr).append(username); $(tr).append(score); // append row to table $('#leaders > tbody').append(tr); }); }).fail(function(a, b, e){ if(window.console) { console.log("FAILLLL " + e); } }); }; // SLIDER // // if ($('#homepage').length) { var features = $('#main-feature li').length; // Count the number of slider items there are var featureOffset = (features - 1) * 100; var counter = 1; // This is the default animation for the slider interval = setInterval(function() // global { counter++; frontPageSlider(); if (counter == features) { counter = 1; $('#main-feature li').animate ({ left: '+=' + featureOffset + '%', easing: 'easeInCubic' }, 0, function() { // animation complete }); } }, 6000); // This pauses and then restarts the slider on hover $('#main-feature li').hover(function() { clearInterval(interval); }, function() { // This is the default animation for the slider interval = setInterval(function() // Needed to set this globally otherwise we essentially had multiple "intervals" { counter++; frontPageSlider(); if (counter == features) { counter = 1; $('#main-feature li').animate ({ left: '+=' + featureOffset + '%', easing: 'easeInCubic' }, 0, function() { // animation complete }); } }, 6000); }); // Manual navigation $('#slider-left').click(function() { if (counter != 1) { counter--; clearInterval(interval); $('#main-feature li').animate ({ left: '+=100%', easing: 'easeInCubic' }, 2000, function() { // animation complete }); // This is the default animation for the slider interval = setInterval(function() // Needed to set this globally otherwise we essentially had multiple "intervals" { counter++; frontPageSlider(); if (counter == features) { counter = 1; $('#main-feature li').animate ({ left: '+=' + featureOffset + '%', easing: 'easeInCubic' }, 0, function() { // animation complete }); } }, 6000); } else { clearInterval(interval); $('#main-feature li').animate ({ left: '-=' + featureOffset + '%', easing: 'easeInCubic' }, 0, function() { // animation complete }); counter = features - 1; $('#main-feature li').animate ({ left: '+=100%', easing: 'easeInCubic' }, 2000, function() { // animation complete }); interval = setInterval(function() // Needed to set this globally otherwise we essentially had multiple "intervals" { counter++; frontPageSlider(); if (counter == features) { counter = 1; $('#main-feature li').animate ({ left: '+=' + featureOffset + '%', easing: 'easeInCubic' }, 0, function() { // animation complete }); } }, 6000); } }); // end slider left $('#slider-right').click(function() { if (counter != features) { counter++; clearInterval(interval); $('#main-feature li').animate ({ left: '-=100%', easing: 'easeInCubic' }, 2000, function() { // animation complete }); // This is the default animation for the slider interval = setInterval(function() // Needed to set this globally otherwise we essentially had multiple "intervals" { counter++; frontPageSlider(); if (counter == features) { counter = 1; $('#main-feature li').animate ({ left: '+=' + featureOffset + '%', easing: 'easeInCubic' }, 0, function() { // animation complete }); } }, 6000); } else { clearInterval(interval); $('#main-feature li').animate ({ left: '+=' + featureOffset + '%', easing: 'easeInCubic' }, 0, function() { // animation complete }); counter = 2; $('#main-feature li').animate ({ left: '-=100%', easing: 'easeInCubic' }, 2000, function() { // animation complete }); interval = setInterval(function() // Needed to set this globally otherwise we essentially had multiple "intervals" { counter++; frontPageSlider(); if (counter == features) { counter = 1; $('#main-feature li').animate ({ left: '+=' + featureOffset + '%', easing: 'easeInCubic' }, 0, function() { // animation complete }); } }, 6000); } }); } // Fade in for show or rewards description $('#learnmore').click(function() { $('#show-meta aside, #reward-meta aside').fadeIn('fast'); $('#learnmore-close').show(); $('#learnmore').hide(); $('#show-meta aside:empty').text('Sorry, we don\'t currently have a description for this show.'); $('#reward-meta aside:empty').text('Sorry, we don\'t currently have any more information about this reward.'); }); $('#learnmore-close').click(function() { $('#show-meta aside, #reward-meta aside').fadeOut('fast'); $('#learnmore-close').hide(); $('#learnmore').show(); }); $('.griditem').click(function() { $('#show-meta aside, #reward-meta aside').hide(); $('#learnmore-close').hide(); $('#learnmore').show(); }) // My Guy Scrolling // Scrolling for #basketballSchedule if($('#basketballSchedule').length) { var basketballTableHeight = $('#basketballSchedule table').height(); var basketballDivHeight = $('#basketballSchedule').height(); var basketballMaxOffset = basketballTableHeight/basketballDivHeight; var basketballMaxOffset = Math.round(basketballMaxOffset).toFixed(0); var basketballOffset = 0; $('#basketballSchedule').hover(function() { $('#basketballSchedule .nav-up').fadeIn(); $('#basketballSchedule .nav-down').fadeIn(); }, function() { $('#basketballSchedule .nav-up').fadeOut(); $('#basketballSchedule .nav-down').fadeOut(); }); // up animation $('#basketballSchedule .nav-down').click(function() { if (basketballOffset != basketballMaxOffset) { $('#basketballSchedule table').animate ({ top: '-=18.625em' }, 1000, function() { //animation complete }); basketballOffset++; } }); // down animation $('#basketballSchedule .nav-up').click(function() { if (basketballOffset != 0) { $('#basketballSchedule table').animate ({ top: '+=18.625em' }, 1000, function() { //animation complete }); basketballOffset--; } }); } // Scrolling for #footballSchedule if($('#footballSchedule').length) { var footballTableHeight = $('#footballSchedule table').height(); var footballDivHeight = $('#footballSchedule').height(); var footballMaxOffset = footballTableHeight/footballDivHeight; var footballMaxOffset = Math.round(footballMaxOffset).toFixed(0); var footballOffset = 0; $('#footballSchedule').hover(function() { $('#footballSchedule .nav-up').fadeIn(); $('#footballSchedule .nav-down').fadeIn(); }, function() { $('#footballSchedule .nav-up').fadeOut(); $('#footballSchedule .nav-down').fadeOut(); }); // up animation $('#footballSchedule .nav-down').click(function() { if (footballOffset != footballMaxOffset) { $('#footballSchedule table').animate ({ top: '-=18.625em' }, 1000, function() { //animation complete }); footballOffset++; } }); // down animation $('#footballSchedule .nav-up').click(function() { if (footballOffset != 0) { $('#footballSchedule table').animate ({ top: '+=18.625em' }, 1000, function() { //animation complete }); footballOffset--; } }); } // Adding classes to the dependent on browser if($.browser.webkit) { var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); $.browser.chrome = /chrome/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase()); // Is this a version of Chrome? if($.browser.chrome) { userAgent = userAgent.substring(userAgent.indexOf('chrome/') +7); userAgent = userAgent.substring(0,userAgent.indexOf('.')); $.browser.version = userAgent; // If it is chrome then jQuery thinks it's safari so we have to tell it it isn't $('body') .addClass('chrome'); } else { $('body') .addClass('safari'); } } if($.browser.mozilla) { $('body') .addClass('mozilla'); } if($.browser.msie && $.browser.version.substr(0,1)<8) { $('body') .addClass('ie7 ie'); } if($.browser.opera) { $('body') .addClass('opera'); } // This should only be running on pages where we need the twitter feed if ($('#homepage').length) { getTwitter(); setInterval("getTwitter()", 10000); } // Kind of a temporary cheat $('.sub-menu .sub-menu .current-menu-item').parent('ul').addClass('active-sub-menu'); $('.sub-menu .sub-menu .current-menu-item').parent('ul').parent('li').addClass('current-menu-parent'); // }); // FUNCTIONS // // function totallyEmpty() { } function setIntervalX(func, delay, times, callback) { if (times > 0) { setTimeout(function() { func.apply(arguments.callee); setIntervalX(func, delay, --times, callback); }, delay); } else { callback.apply(this); } } function addCommas(nStr) { nStr += ''; x = nStr.split('.'); x1 = x[0]; x2 = x.length > 1 ? '.' + x[1] : ''; var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/; while (rgx.test(x1)) { x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + ',' + '$2'); } return x1 + x2; } // Front page slider var frontPageSlider = function() { $('#main-feature li').animate ({ left: '-=100%' }, 2000, function() { // animation complete }); } var getTwitter = function() { //Twitter calls var twitter_api_url = 'http://search.twitter.com/search.json'; var num_of_tweets = 2; // Enable caching $.ajaxSetup({ cache: true }); //Getting JSON $.getJSON(twitter_api_url + '?q=%23viggletv&with_twitter_user_id=true&rpp=' + num_of_tweets + '?callback=?', twitterFeed); function twitterFeed(data){ var htmlString = ""; item = 4; $.each(data.results, function(i,item){ var date_tweet = new Date(item.created_at), date_now = new Date(), date_diff = date_now - date_tweet, minutes = Math.round(date_diff/ (1000*60)), twitterTime; if (minutes < 2) { //when it's less than a 2 minutes twitterTime = 'a minute ago'; } else if (minutes < 60 ){ //when it's less than an hour twitterTime = minutes + ' minutes ago'; } else if (minutes < 1440) { //when it's less than a day minutes = Math.round(minutes / 60); twitterTime = minutes + ' hours ago'; } else { twitterTime = date_tweet.format("mmmm d, yyyy"); } // Here's where we piece together the HTML htmlString += '
  • '; htmlString += '

    ' + item.from_user_name + '

    '; htmlString += '

    ' + item.text + '

    '; htmlString += '
    ' + twitterTime + '
    '; htmlString += '
    '; htmlString += '
  • '; }); $('.twitter-feed').replaceWith('