Welcome to BRICKS 4 KIDZ!
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The BRICKS 4 KIDZ® model, was founded by Michelle Cote in St. Augustine , FL. Michelle started an after-school Spanish Class (outside the school system). In the Spring of 2008 while filling out the forms to become a “School Board Vendor,” teaching Spanish at the school the following school year, Michelle noticed a category (on the form) for “Creative Science.” Her son loves to play with LEGO® bricks, and she thought to herself…”Maybe I could lead a Creative Science LEGO® class too.” Michelle was awarded the bid for both the after-school Spanish and the Creative Science Lego® class. That summer Michelle advertised a Spanish Camp and a LEGO® Camp. She had 3 children sign up for the Spanish and 35 children sign up for the LEGO® camp!
After seeing the excitement over the LEGO® bricks, Michelle decided to go with the LEGO® after-school class in the fall…and it took off. That Fall, Michelle found herself at 3 different elementary schools with an average of 20 students in each class every week. Now Michelle does over 20 after-school enrichment classes a week, PLUS in-school field trips, 11 camps during the summer and bunches of birthday parties every weekend!
Today BRICKS 4 KIDZ® has over 100 franchises throughout the world making it one of the fastest growing franchises in the US and Canada (and possibly the world).
BRICKS 4 KIDZ® has a high probability for success in your area because:
- It’s a proven model – truly a home-based business;
- Requires only a modest investment;
- Has NO national competition;
- Quick ROI on your low-cost franchise;
- Can be operated as a part/full time business;
- Has high profit margins;
- Has low fixed overhead;
- It’s easy to operate;
- It can be easily taught to anyone;
- The classes, camps and birthday parties are affordable by nearly any family;
- Parents view the classes, camps, and birthday parties as educational and therefore feel that the fees are well spent;
- The BRICKS 4 KIDZ® Schedule follows the school-year calendar – no corporate hours with this business.
- Year-round income with camps during school vacations and birthday parties anytime.
- Thrive in any economy by providing affordable classes to parents who put education first on their list of expenditures.
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